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Although a Barezilian Wax will never be a walk in the park, we strive to make your experience with us as clean, comfortable, and painless as possible. We take all precautions to maintain the highest levels of hygiene (Double dipping? YUCK!) Appointment times may take a little longer than average for first timers, but with more time we are able to ensure our 5 star quality service. 



  • The hair should be about a quarter of an inch long or about 3 weeks from last shave/wax

  • The day before your appointment use Get Into It on the area you intend to wax

  • Taking an Ibuprofen 30 minutes before will help reduce sensitivity and inflammation

  • Wear comfortable clothing 




  • Keep area clean and bacteria free

  • No swimming in a chlorinated pool for 24 hrs. Same for spa baths or saunas

  • Avoid applying any topical lotion, perfumes and soaps for at least 12 hrs (fragrances and other lubricants can cause a burning sensation)

  • To reduce the risk of ingrown hairs, bumps, and/or itchiness, start using Get Into It 24 hrs after your wax appointment. Use 2-3 times a week up to your next wax 

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